Thursday, July 28, 2016

Swimmers: Why You Need to Learn to Love the Struggle

by Olivier Poirier-Leroy of

It’s not technique. Not your coach. Not the pool you train in. It’s your willingness to embrace the daily struggle of improvement in the water. Here is why learning to love resistance and struggle will make you the best swimmer you can be.

Improvement happens at the point where we meet resistance.

  • It’s that descending interval that we just barely have enough time to gasp a quick breath before pushing off again.
  • The final few reps of the set where we are supposed to hold on for dear life to race pace.
  • It’s showing up for early morning practice at 5 in the morning in the dead of winter.
  • It’s showing up even when there is no guarantee that things will get better.

Resistance and struggle is a fundamental and unavoidable component of getting better. Just as critical as your bathing suit, if not more so. After all, your ability to meet struggle head on dictates whether you get better or get the same.

Here’s how to embrace the struggles and become a faster and better swimmer as a result.


When things get hard we tend to start thinking about the bad stuff that *might*–but rarely ever does—happen. If we come up short we fear that we won’t be able to recover from it. Or that our teammates will make fun of us if we don’t swim fast enough. Or that people will judge or care.

As a result of allowing others to dictate how much effort we put towards our goals we often end up apologizing for the goals we have in the pool.

Instead of viewing those moments in terms of fearful outcomes (“What will my teammates think of me if I fail?”) reframe it as an opportunity for growth (“How will this challenge make me a better swimmer?”).


Struggle is inherently struggley. It’s unpleasant. Not always very pretty. And so we avoid it. Nobody likes having a hard time with something. Not being good at a drill, stroke, or being a bad kicker isn’t outwardly pleasurable.

But it’s a necessary price of getting better. It’s a fundamental part of improvement.

It’s a cycle that you should be familiar with: you want to do something, you struggle to learn it, and you eventually master it.

Swimmers Why You Need to Learn to Love the Struggle

Whether it’s a drill, an interval, a new group—the process is the same.

Sure, it would be nice if we could get better at something without having to be uncomfortable or be stretched. It would be fun to skip the second step in the little improvement cycle. But that’s wishful thinking. Understand and remember that struggle is essential to getting faster in the water.


One of my favorite reader-submitted questions was from a young swimmer who was stressed out because she had just gotten leveled-up a group, and now she was the slowest athlete in the lane. I countered that this was a blessing—being surrounded by faster swimmers would only encourage her to become a better swimmer if she chose to welcome the challenge.

When we actively go out of our way to challenge ourselves we are repeatedly inflicting stressors that encourage improvement and increases the limits of what we think is possible.


When we learn to welcome trying circumstances into our swimming we are also charging up our ability to be more resilient.

Resilience is a defining character trait of champions.

  • It’s what separates the swimmer who has a bad swim at the beginning of the meet and allows it to ruin their whole weekend from the athlete who bounces and back and crushes a best time later that evening.
  • It’s what convinces one swimmer to keep working hard at the end of a really hard set while the next one succumbs to thoughts of doubt and gives up.

Resilience is something we learn from experience. Some swimmers may appear like they are naturally mentally tough, but there is experience and choices they’ve made that are backstopping that confidence and trust in themselves.


I get it–hard work is, well, hard. It’s filled with moments of self-doubt, of setbacks, of moments where you feel like your best efforts are going unrewarded.

But if you are serious about wanting to get better in the pool, regardless of how ambitious you are with your goals, you need to open yourself up to those moments of discomfort and struggle.

It’s exactly there–in the chasm between what you know you can do and you think you can do that improvement and faster swimming is developed.

See Also
  • At What Age Should Swimmers Start Mental Training? Coaches and elite swimmers talk about how the difference is often mental when it comes to performance. Here are some thoughts and suggestions for when swimmers should start dialing in the mental side of the sport.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Road to Rio is Paved in the Dark

By Mike Kraeuter

With the Olympic trials finishing up and the Olympics starting I pondered with a friend how some athletes rise to the pinnacle of their sport while others don’t. What does it take to reach that high level of performance? It takes quite a lot actually. There are so many things that go on behind the scenes that people don’t see. We only see the final performance, which, for most has taken a majority of their lives to achieve. Just like a great movie, it wasn’t achieved on the first take. Muhammad Ali once said;

“The fight is won or lost far away from the witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.”

This message was reiterated in the Michael Phelps Under Armour commercial entitled “Rule Yourself” where at the end you saw; “It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light.”

We live in a world of convenience and right now attitudes a “microwave generation” but as I tell the kids I coach, we all know that microwave food stinks, a good meal takes time and patience and in the end you enjoy it more. There is no instant gratification in what those people are doing to represent the USA at the Olympics it has taken a better part of their lives to achieve a vision that most just dream about. It has taken failure upon failure. It has taken a team of people to achieve that vision. Not one of those athletes has achieved that level of performance on their own; heck anyone that had the opportunity to swim at Olympic Trials didn’t achieve it on their own. They can thank their parents, friends, coaches, teammates, doctors, therapists, etc… just to be able to swim at that prestigious level of competition.

Achieving Excellence

After all this hard work, dedication, time, effort, etc…making the Olympic Team is not guaranteed. So I guess the question we should be asking is; “Why do people do it?” They do it because they love the process; they do it because they have a vision to be the best at what they do, too achieve excellence.

Does this type of process sound familiar? Not everyone may have an Olympic dream but we all have visions of becoming the best at something and we do much of what these athletes do. Whether it is a dream job, attending a dream school, a dream adventure, etc…None of this happens overnight. Achieving excellence at anything takes time. Achieving excellence seems like a daunting task and that is why most people quite before they even get started.

See Your Vision Now

Imagine that you want to climb a mountain; that can be considered a daunting task. Most people start at the bottom and look up and only see the obstacles they may encounter. Now, let us change our perspective and imagine ourselves already at the top of the mountain. What do you see now? You may imagine seeing the outstanding view from high above, which gives you a feeling of accomplishment.

Which perspective sounds better?

I vote for the view from the top. If you embrace the vision of already achieving your goal, when you embark on your journey you no longer see obstacles you only see what could be the wonderful view from the top. All the obstacles you encounter are just on the way to accomplishing your vision or reaching the top. You know you will get around them because you know the outcome of reaching the top of the mountain. Obstacles are no longer obstacles but opportunities you encounter along the way of achieving your vision.

Let’s apply this perspective to a dream you may have. Imagine yourself already accomplishing the goal you have set forth. Now make a game plan to achieve this goal. Any obstacles you may encounter along the way only become opportunities which allow you to become the person that can achieve the vision you have set forth. Some advice when coming up with your game plan:

  • Remain flexible in your plan because most things don’t turn out as planned so keep your mind open.
  • Enjoy each moment and leave expectations behind. Achieve excellence every day.
  • Make smart choices as there are no good or bad choices just good or bad consequences.
  • Finally never stop learning, continue to practice life learning from every struggle, setback and failure.

Being Olympic in our everyday lives!

As you watch and cheer on these Olympians achieving their lifelong goal of competing at the world’s biggest athletic competition ask yourself how you can be Olympic in your life’s quest for excellence.