Monday, June 8, 2009

Keys to Success: Whitney Myers

This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from 2005 and 2007 U.S. World Championships Team member Whitney Myers. Myers was also the 2007 NCAA champion in the 200 IM and NCAA Woman of the Year. Here are the keys to her success.


Have fun. Everybody says this, but it’s true. If you are not having fun, choose a different sport or hobby, or find a way to make it fun. When people are growing up, there are so many sacrifices you have to make to be an elite athlete.”


Set little goals for yourself along the way. This point relates to my first one, because it keeps it fun for me. Accomplishing goals helps you enjoy what you are doing. Goals go from times in practice to how many pull-ups in dryland, or having positive self talks, making social goals like, ‘I’m going to make at least one new friend at this meet.’”


Have a life outside your sport. That could mean applying yourself in school or having a hobby on the side, maybe arts and crafts, singing or riding a bike. It’s important to experience the world around you. There are days when swimming isn’t going so well, so if you don’t have other things going on, it can bring you down.


Be involved in whatever you are doing. Really immerse yourself. Get to know the people in your circle, and outside of it. Get involved with your team, your school, your family and your friends. Don’t just sit and let things happen to you. Go out and make things happen. Swimming takes up a lot of my time, but I still have a lot of balance. I love going to a meet and making new friends.


Make good decisions for yourself. That might be about food, about your sleep, about what you do on Friday and Saturday nights, or in school. Making the right decision time after time ends up giving you reward after reward, which add up and make you feel good. Plus, making smart decisions gets you respect. You want to earn respect for all you accomplish, not be one of those people who just wins all the time and isn’t respected.

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