Monday, December 14, 2009

Garrett's Blog: You Can't Always Be At Your Best

By Garrett Weber-Gale // Swimnetwork Olympian Blogger
“Experiencing some hardship in life along the way is good so that when we really achieve success it will be that much sweeter.” - My Grandpa

I try to keep this quote in mind when I’m not swimming as well as I may like. We all are aware that life is full of ups and downs, success and some struggle. What I think is most important during these times is that we maintain our composure and poise. Look at the big picture. Realize what the facts are and analyze the situation with them.

This past weekend I competed at the Short Course Nationals in Seattle. I’d say 'swam' might be a better word than 'compete'... I hardly competed. My swimming was not anywhere near what I would consider competitive. Simply put, I swam slow. I failed to qualify for the finals of either the 100 or 200 freestyle - I watched from the deck. As I observed the heats I was so accustomed to racing in, I made sure to keep the smile on my face and the positive air in my lungs. I knew going into this meet where I was in my training: I was tired. I had lifted like a mad-man for two hours only five days earlier and lifted twice the previous week, not to mention hard swim workouts.

So maybe I was in a bit of a different place than I was used to. For a change I actually got to watch people race in the big heats. It was exciting and I fully enjoyed it. Some time in there I realized: 'Maybe this is just a little fuel to fire me up. Maybe this is the opportunity to have a first person look at my main competition.' In the end, I was ok with it all. This is a very important thing to remember: Realize where you are in your training and think if you really need to be at your best in right now. The answer for me was a resounding no. I understand what y’all are going through when you don’t swim well at times. We’ve all been there. The exciting part is that we will all be better. This is the worst of it (well, hopefully) and it is only uphill from now on.

Right now I’m getting ready for Duel in the Pool in a couple weeks. My excitement level for this competition is on the rise. There is no question in my mind I’ll be better in Manchester.

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